On Saturday, April 23, 2016 our office staff, Shari Stamps and Rousina Arellano, and several other local agencies had the opportunity to participate and sponsor at Kern Autism Network (KAN)’s 4th Autism Spectrum Seminar. This event took place at The Canyon Hills Church Summit Room with Temple Grandin as one of the guest speakers.
The conference was very interactive, allowing sponsors to exchange information with one another and share their resources for children and adults on the Autism Spectrum with families and educators. In addition to the tasty snacks, beverages and good conversation, everyone present had the pleasure of hearing Temple Grandin speak about how it feels to live with autism and the importance of early intervention. There was great attendance and lots of good information conveyed to the public. We look forward to attending and sponsoring KAN’s future events. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers that made this conference possible.
Watch this video about autism for more information. It discusses what autism is and isn’t for those who are autistic and their family members.
Tags: Vision Therapy, Autism