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5300 California Ave. Suite 210

Bakersfield, CA 93309

Office (661) 869-2010




University of California, Berkeley

Doctor of Optometry - May, 1984


California State College, Bakersfield

Bachelor of Science, Biology - August, 1979


Bakersfield Junior College

Preoptometry - September, 1976 to June, 1977



      Resident Behavioral Scholar of the Year (2017)

New England College of Optometry


Skeffington Award (2012) for excellence in optometric writing.

College of Optometrists in Vision Development


      Founding Fathers Award (2011)

Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association


Health care provider award (2005)

Heritage of America Cultural and Educational Foundation

In recognition of services provided to the local Hispanic community


Outstanding Alumnus (1995-96)

School of Arts and Sciences

CSU, Bakersfield


California Young O.D. of the year (1989)

Bestowed by the California Optometric Association


Mother of Andrew Suter (1994 – present)



Suter, P. S.  (2017).  Vision rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury.  In M. J. Ashley (Ed.),  Traumatic brain injury: rehabilitative treatment and case management, 451-486. Fourth edition, Boca Raton, FL:  CRC Press.


Suter, P.S., Harvey, E. (Eds.) (2011). Vision Rehabilitation: multidisciplinary care of the patient following brain injury. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.


Suter, P. S.  (2010).  Vision rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury.  In M. J. Ashley (Ed.),  Traumatic brain injury: rehabilitative treatment and case management, Third edition, Boca Raton, FL:  CRC Press.


Suter, P. S., (2007). Peripheral Visual Field Loss and Visual Neglect: Diagnosis and Treatment. Journal of Behavioral Optometry, 18(3) 78-83.


Margolis, N. W. & Suter, P. S., (2006). Visual field defects and unilateral spatial inattention: diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Behavioral Optometry, 17(2), 31-37.


Suter, P. S., & Margolis, N. W.  (2005). Managing visual field defects following acquired brain injury. Brain Injury Professional, 2(3), 26-29.


Suter, P. S.  (2004).  Vision rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury.  In M. J. Ashley (Ed.),  Traumatic brain injury: rehabilitative treatment and case management, Second edition, Boca Raton, FL:  CRC Press.


Suter, P. S. (1999). A quick start in post-acute rehabilitation following brain injury. Journal of Optometric Vision Development, 30, 73-82.


Suter, S., Suter, P. S., Perrier, D. T., Parker, K. L., Fox, J. A., & Roessler, J. S. (1996). Differentiation of VEP intermodulation and second harmonic components by dichoptic, monocular, and binocular stimulation. Visual Neuroscience, 13, 1157-1166.


Suter, P. S.  (1995).  Vision rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury.  In M. J. Ashley & D. K. Krych (Eds.),  Traumatic brain injury rehabilitation (pp. 187-220). Boca Raton, FL:  CRC Press.


Suter, P. S., Suter, S., Roessler, J. S., Parker, K. L., Armstrong, C. A., & Powers, J. C.  (1994).  Spatial-frequency-tuned channels in early infancy:  VEP evidence.  Vision Research, 34, 737-745.


Suter, P. S., Bass, B. L., & Suter, S.  (1993).  Early and late VEPs to reading stimuli are altered by common binocular misalignments.  Psychophysiology, 30, 475-485.


Suter, S., Armstrong, C. A., Suter, P. S. , & Powers, J. C. (1991).  Spatial-frequency-tuned attenuation and enhancement of the steady-state VEP by grating adaptation.  Vision Research, 31, 1167-1175.


Suter, S.,  Suter, P. S., & Crow, C. D. (1991).  Infant and adult grating acuity estimated by VEPs and heart rate change.  Infant Behavior and Development, 14, 365-382.


Suter, S., Suter, P. S., & Deegan, J. F. II.  (1990).  Steady-state VEP phase stability and acuity in adults and infants.  Clinical Vision Sciences, 5, 71-80.



2018, October. Vision in Concussion—a little piece of neuro-optometry. Kern County Optometric Society, Bakersfield, CA.


2017, April, Concepts from Post Brain-Injury Vision Rehabilitation that Every Optometrist Should Know, NECO Behavioral Optometry Scholar-In-Residence CE Program, 3 hours continuing education, Boston, MA.

2017, February. Post Brain-Injury Vision Rehabilitation—enhancing the future of functional optometry. Studt Practicum Presented at the Western University of Health Sciences College of Optometry, Pomona, CA.


2015, April. Vision Rehabilitation following Brain Injury. Inservice for rehabilitation physicians, therapists and administrators. Presented at the Las Vegas Veterans Administration Hospital, Las Vegas, NV.


2008, June, Visual Changes After Brain Injury. Presented at the Brain Injury Association of America Caregiver’s conference, Dallas TX.


2007, December, The Role of Vision in Functional Recovery following Acquired Brain Injury. Lecture presented at the first Joint Veteran’s Administration, Department of Defense meeting: Visual Consequences of Acquired Brain Injury, San Antonio, TX


2007, December, Functional Rehabilitation of Visual Aspects of Space, Egocenter/Balance, and Object Perception. Lecture presented at the first Joint Veteran’s Administration, Department of Defense meeting: Visual Consequences of Acquired Brain Injury, San Antonio, TX


2007, December, Functional Rehabilitation of Visual Field Loss and Visual-Spatial Neglect. Lecture presented at the first Joint Veteran’s Administration, Department of Defense meeting: Visual Consequences of Acquired Brain Injury, San Antonio, TX


2006, December, Visual Field Diagnosis and Treatment. In, Binocular Vision, Perception & Pediatric Optometry Section Symposium: Traumatic Brain injury: A New Challenge for Optometry, Neuro-optometric Rehabilitation, and Our Nation, American Academy of Optometry, Denver, CO.


2006, March, Bridging the Gap Between Neuro-anatomical Models and the Clinic: Tips and Tools for Exam and Therapy Rooms , Binocular Vision and Pediatrics Forum, Columbus, OH.


2005, May, USING One Plus One is Greater than Two, (i.e., Neuro-anatomical models plus behavioral vision are greater than the sum of their parts in vision rehabilitation), Robert Wold Behavioral Vision Seminar, San Diego, CA.


2003, May. Treating visual dysfunction following brain injury. Lecture presented at the meetings of the Southern CA Behavioral Vision Seminar, San Diego, CA.


2003, April. Traumatic brain injuries—Visual perception, Direct assessment and interventions for vision deficits. Lecture presented for Contemporary Forums, San Francisco, CA.


2003, April. Visual dysfunction following brain injury: a whirlwind overview (NORA Curriculum). Lecture presented at the meetings of the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association, Long Beach, CA.


2002, April. Pathophysiology of visual dysfunction (NORA Level 1 Curriculum). Lecture presented at the meetings of the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association, Covington, KY.


2002, August. Visual dysfunction following traumatic brain injury: least diagnosed, most treatable.  Lecture presented to the Optometric Extension Program regional seminar, San Jose, CA.


2001, April. Pathophysiology of visual dysfunction (NORA Level 1 Curriculum). Lecture presented at the meetings of the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association, New York, NY.


2000, April. Pathophysiology of visual dysfunction (NORA Level 1 Curriculum). Lecture presented at the meetings of the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association.


1998, May. Post-acute vision rehabilitation after brain injury. Fourteen hour workshop presented to the Optometric Extension Program regional seminar, Fresno, CA.


1998, May. Post-acute vision rehabilitation following brain injury, or Neuro-OpWhat??  Neuro-Optometry. Lecture presented to regional NAARPS (Currently called IARP--International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals) meeting. Fresno, CA.


1996, April. A model for organizing visual assessment and rehabilitation after brain injury. Lecture presented at the meetings of the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association.  Chicago, IL.



Consulting Optometrist with the Centre for Neuro Skills Post-Acute Rehabilitation Center, 1992 to 2011; 2013-present.


Consulting Optometrist, Kaweah Delta Rehabilitation Hospital, 2009-present


Optometrist, Private Practice emphasis on functional vision and vision rehabilitation for all ages.

July, 1985 to present


Optometrist, Laurelglen Eye Medical Clinic:  General optometry and visual electrophysiology

September, 1984 to April, 1985


Assistant Director, Visual Evoked Response Clinic, School of Optometry, University of California, Berkeley:  Instruction and supervision of VER Clinic

1983-84 academic year


Optometric Intern, School of Optometry, University of California, Berkeley

June, 1983 to May, 1984


Vision Therapist, private optometric practice:  Pretesting, therapy, designing orthoptics and perceptual motor therapy programs under optometric supervision intermittently, 1975 to 1979



College of Optometrists in Vision Development

UC Berkeley liaison - January, 1983 to May, 1984

Member - December, 1986 to present

Fellow - 1990 to present (Board certified in vision therapy and vision development)


American Board of Disability Analysts

Fellow - 1998 to present


Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association

Advisory Board Member, April 2000 to April 2002

Treasurer, April 2002 to 2004

Newsletter Editor 2002 to 2008

Level III Curriculum coordinator, intermittent, 2000-present

Member - February 1995 to present

Fellow - 1999 to present


Kern Autism Network

Board Member

January 2006 to November 2010


Qualified Medical Examiner

State of California

1999 to 2002


Grant Reviewer/Consultant

Langeloth Foundation



Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Advisory Board (Kern County)

Member - January, 1986 to December, 1991

Chair - Subcommittee on Child Abuse Prevention, Intervention and Treatment;

August, 1990-1991


Preceptor for Salus University Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Pacific University College of Optometry, and Western University College of Optometry, occasional


The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology

Member - 1985 to 2006


Optometric Extension Program

Member - May, 1981 to present



Kern County Optometric Association

Member - September, 1984 to present

President - l988 to l989


American Optometric Association

Member - December, 1981 to present



Research Associate, Psychology department, California State University, Bakersfield

September, 2014-2016.


Codirector, Psychology Department Vision Laboratory, California State College, Bakersfield

September 1984-2006


Co-investigator, Dorothea Haus Ross Foundation Grant, “Development of pattern and binocular vision in infants”

January, 1992 to June, 1992


Co-investigator, NEI grant EY05867, “Visual evoked potential acuities in infants and the orienting response”

March, 1985 to February, 1986


Research Assistant, Smith Kettlewell Institute of Visual Science, San Francisco:  Visual evoked response research on infant visual development

February, 1983 to August, 1984


Degree Research Project:  Biofeedback of Accommodation for Remediation of Adult Onset Myopia, May, 1984



Suter, P. S., Suter, S., Dulcich, M. S., Brand, P. M., (2001, April).  Two Separate Indices of Reading Disability in Children: VEPs in Speeded Magno-/Parvo- Interactions and N400 to Words. Paper presented at the meetings of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.


Suter, S., Marty, J. R., & Suter, P. S. (2000, May). Visual evoked potentials during attentional modulation of visibility. Paper presented at the meetings of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.


Suter, S., Suter, P. S., Gragg, B. J., Eckley, J. D., & Bryon, W. L. (1999, May). The temporal relationship of target and mask VEP components predicts target visibility in metacontrast masking. Paper presented at the meetings of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.


Suter, P. S., Brand, P.M., Eckley, J. D., Bryon, W. L., & Suter, S. (1998, May). VEPs to words link fixation disparity and reading. Paper presented at the meetings of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.


Suter, P. S., Brand, P. M., Suter, S., Pollant, T., & Gragg, B. J. (1997, October). Reading disability in adults: "Front end" visual dysfunction. Paper presented at the meetings of the College of Optometrists in Visual Development, Austin, TX.


Suter, S., Suter, P. S., Gragg, B. J., Brand, P. M., & Eckley, J. (1997). Backward masking: Perceptual and VEP nonlinearities. Paper presented at the meetings of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.


Suter, P. S. (1996, May).  A model for organizing visual assessment and rehabilitation after brain injury. Presented at the 5th Annual Multi-Disciplinary Conference of the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association, Chicago, IL.


Suter, P. S., Suter, S., Gragg, B. J., & Brown, P. M. (1996, May). Magno/parvo VEPs and fixation disparity: Separate predictors of reading disability. Paper presented at the meetings of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.


Suter, S., Suter, P. S., Perrier, D. T., Gragg, B. J., & DeLouth, T. B.  (1995, November).  Temporal properties of magno and parvo subsystem interactions:  VEPs to simultaneous or alternating stimulation.  Paper presented at the meetings of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.


Suter, S., Suter, P. S., Perrier, D. T., Fox, J. A. (1995, May) Prediction of VEP cross-modulation components from monocular pathway activity.  Paper presented at the 1994 meetings of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, FL.


Suter, S., Suter, P. S., Perrier, D. T., & Fox, J. A.  (1994, November).  Intermodulation components in the steady-state VEP as indices of first harmonic binocular processing.  Paper presented at the meetings of the Society for Neuroscience, Miami Beach, FL.


Suter, P. S., Roessler, J. S., Parker, K. L., & Suter, S.  (February , 1993).  Adult-like spatial mechanisms in human infant vision:  VEP adaptation evidence for multiple interacting channels in infants aged 3 to 12 weeks.  Paper presented at the Noninvasive Assessment of the Visual System Topical Meeting, Optical Society of America, Monterey, CA.


Suter, P. S., Suter, S., Parker, K. L., & Roessler, J. S.  (May, 1992).    VEP adaptation evidence for multiple spatial frequency channels in 3-week-old infants.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, FL.


Suter, P. S., Bass, B. L., Suter, S., & Little, A. J.  (October ,1991).  Fixation disparity diminishes binocular and left hemisphere advantage in VEPs to words in a reading task.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Chicago, IL.


Suter, S., Suter, P. S., Cardenosa, A. L., Bausano, K. J. & Little, A. J.  (1991, May).    Spatial-frequency-tuned VEP adaptation in 6-week-old infants.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, FL.


Suter, P. S., Suter, S., Armstrong, C. A., Powers, J. C., & Bass, B. L.  (1990, May).  Binocular VEP amplitude and lateral association phoria.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, FL.


Suter, S., Suter, P. S., Armstrong, C. A., & Bass, B. L.  (1990, May).  Spatial frequency adaptation of steady-state VEP amplitude and phase in 12-week-old infants.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, FL.


Suter, S., Suter, P. S., Armstrong, C. A., Powers, J. C., & Lutge, M. S.  (1989, May).  Spatial frequency adaptation can enhance the steady-state VEP to gratings.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, FL.


Suter, P. S., Suter, S., & Deegan, J. F. II.  (1988, May).  Infant acuity estimated by steady-state VEP phase coherence.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, FL.


Suter, S., Suter, P. S., & Deegan, J. F. II.  (1988, May).  VEP phase coherence and subjective acuity:  Steady-state VEP and psychophysical responses to reversing gratings in adults.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, FL.


Suter, S., Suter, P. S., & Deegan, J. F. II.  (1987, May).  Cardiac, VEP, and psychophysical response to reversing gratings.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, FL.


Suter, P.S., Suter, S., & Crow, C. D.  (1986, May).  Cardiac and VEP responses to reversing gratings in infants.  Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, FL.