A Vision Therapy Success Story Through Molly's and Her Parents' Eyes
October 20, 2016
Dear Dr. Dang and Miss Shari,
My husband and I would like to thank you both for the work you have done with our daughter Molly. When we brought her to you last December we had recently noticed that her right eye was turning in. She was six years old. At this time we had not noticed any major issues with her vision. She did well in school and enjoyed books. We had, however, begun to notice that she was developing some resistance when it came to practicing her reading. We chalked it up to her being an active kid that didn’t want to sit still long enough to read. After our first appointment with Dr. Dang we realized correcting her eye turn would require more than just prescription glasses to be corrected. Shortly after this visit we met Miss Shari. At our first appointment Shari made us aware of some of the “side effects” of an eye turn, and it was then that we realized Molly’s vision issues were more than just cosmetic. We were able to identify a number of her behaviors that were linked to her vision challenges.
It was important, to my husband and I, that we do everything in our power to help Molly….and this meant dedicating time, at least four times a week, to focus on her eye therapy homework. There were definitely some weeks in which this was a challenge. But there is no doubt that the hard work paid off. After Molly’s first unit of therapy we stopped seeing her eye turn and saw her interest in reading sky rocket! And now, upon her graduation, we can see numerous other benefits including better coordination, a longer attention span when it comes to school work and, probably most important, more confidence.
We are grateful for the time you both spent helping us identify Molly’s vision challenges and working with her to address those issues. We will miss getting to see you during our weekly visits, but look forward to working with you both to monitor her vision as she gets older.
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