Steven Rimmer
“Dear Dr. Suter, Ms. Shari, and the entire staff,
Thank you for helping me to see better. Thank you for also being so nice to me. I have learned so much since I started Vision Therapy.
Before therapy, I had a hard time coloring, cutting on the lines, and reading. I couldn’t sit still in class. I couldn’t catch a ball, or hit a ball. My grades were pretty bad. Now, I can color better and cut out shapes. I love to read words. I can play ball. And my grades have gone from D’s and F’s to B’s and C’s.
I loved working with Ms. Shari and getting Treasure Box. I liked it when I got to jump on the trampoline and Ms. Shari would make me a “hot dog”. I didn’t like doing handwriting for therapy or when things were really hard.
I will miss everyone at Dr. Suter’s office, especially, Ms. Shari. She has been the best person to work with me. She was kind, gave me gum, and let me wiggle when I needed to.”
– Steven Rimmer (Age 7)