On Tuesday, July 12, 2016, several of our vision therapy staff attended a Vendor Fair at Kern Regional Center. There were over twenty vendor tables set up with information about the various agencies and their services for clients with special needs. In attendance were Vision Therapists Shari Stamps and Teresa Richards as well as our Administrator of Perceptual Testing, Rousina Arellano. This was a fun event where case managers and service coordinators from Kern Regional Center could become more familiar with the various programs that clients needed, as well as get acquainted with the staff and program directors. It was a successful event accompanied with many familiar faces as well as new vendors introducing new ideas and services. There were delicious refreshments served and a fun rally to encourage everyone to visit each other’s table. A big Thank You to the staff at Kern Regional Center for their hospitality and we look forward to participating in future events.
Shari L. Stamps, C.O.V.T.
Tags: Vision Therapy, Autism, Kern